Finally! I’ve worked my way through the journalists’ questions and have considered the who, what, when, where, why, and how of collecting and collectors.

Accordingly, I thought it would be appropriate to finish up this collection of questions with another collection of answers—specifically an assemblage of adverbs. I thought of many of these descriptive terms myself, and I discovered others by right clicking on my original word choices in my document and then seeing lists of synonyms upon synonyms, provided courtesy of Microsoft Word.

Here, then, is my rundown—complete with a collection of numerous adverbs—of how collectors go about finding additional pieces for their collections:

  • Younger, newer collectors (as I once was) often purchase items for their collections with more enthusiasm than skill (as I once did), so they collect enthusiastically (actively, willingly, devotedly, eagerly, ardently, unreservedly, strongly, or heartily).
  • Older, more experienced and educated collectors often buy knowledgeably. They develop considerable knowledge over time, so they become authorities who are highly informed about, or at least keenly aware of, their subjects and become well acquainted or familiar with the scope of their fields.
  • Casual collectors, who are only somewhat interested in assembling a collection, often pick up pieces informally (nonchalantly or offhandedly) or even randomly (arbitrarily, haphazardly, aimlessly, erratically, indiscriminately, unsystematically, or accidentally), so they can end up with small, incomplete, or disjointed collections, which I have done a time or two.
  • Avid collectors are often dedicated to building their collections and determined to acquire as many representative pieces as they can, so they often collect methodically (systematically, carefully, precisely, meticulously, regularly, or painstakingly).
  • Others who are inexperienced, driven, or reckless are at risk of purchasing, and ultimately collecting, hastily (hurriedly, quickly, speedily, or rapidly), which is how I shopped when I first discovered restaurantware and grabbed up almost every piece I came across—even ones that were plain, flawed, or damaged.
  • More serious collectors shop more carefully. They are prudent, sensible, judicious, cautious, wise, and wary about their acquisitions, so they take great care during the purchasing process.
  • Such careful collectors, always on the lookout for new additions, might shop regularly, yet buy only rarely—when that special piece comes along in the right condition at the right price.
  • Others shop occasionally, like seasonally with the sales or only annually while on vacation. However, those bitten by the collecting bug might shop much more frequently by making the rounds weekly or even by checking online daily, as this committed collector once did.
  • Some acquire items locally, here in the Rochester area, while others find pieces remotely, either from a distance by shopping online or in faraway places while traveling the States or even touring abroad.
  • Some collectors go about the process socially (or communally together with friends or family or shopping partners or through their personal contacts in shops and online), while others collect individually (singly, alone, or separately).
  • Some—perhaps those who have exhausted their time, money, or space—might shop privately (secretly or even covertly), while others who are still able to do so shop openly (overtly or publicly).
  • Of course, many collectors like to buy items on sale; most are willing to pay full price for desirable pieces, and some are willing to make their purchases at any price, especially when they’re getting treasures they covet.
  • Finally, longtime, dedicated collectors go about the process of acquiring news pieces either emotionally or logically. They either follow their heart or listen to their head. They’re either passionate about their pastime and buy what they love whenever they can without too much thought, or they weigh their options carefully, make sound judgments, and buy the best pieces at the best prices.
  • In both cases, using emotion or using logic, the vast majority of avid collectors, myself included, do so happily, which is my final word on how to collect.

The Committed Collector

So how do you go about adding to your collection? Do you collect systematically, or do you shop irregularly? Leave a comment and let us know how you’re building your collections. We’d love to compare methods with you.

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