I was able to attend the monthly meeting of the local Depression Glass Club this past week, and discovered yet another reason to enjoy the organization and appreciate its members.

The group doesn’t meet in November because we’re all busy using our best china and glassware to serve our Thanksgiving dinners. We don’t have a formal meeting in December either because we’ve set aside an evening of holiday merrymaking that includes feasting, playing games, and winning glorious vintage glass as the prizes, of course.

With no more formal meetings this year, the club had to consider its programs for 2019 this month. When the president asked for suggestions, the members came through a number of popular kinds of Depression Glass, including the following:

  • salt and peppers
  • pitchers and beverage sets
  • kitchenware
  • elegant stemware
  • candlesticks
  • dresser pieces
  • children’s sets
  • glass animals
  • holiday pieces
  • Vaseline glass
  • teacups

As a teapot collector, I’d readily vote for a program on vintage glass cups and saucers any day. When another member suggested including teapots, too, I voted with both hands.

(Unfortunately, I don’t have an antique glass teapot, so I’ll have to ask Santa to include a gift certificate for a shopping spree, which means I’ll have to work hard to stay on the nice list until then.)

In the meantime, I can take solace in the fact that the very first suggestion for the glass club’s 2019 schedule was “What else I collect,” which was met with a rousing round of applause.  Okay.  Maybe I just imagined that part.

Even so, I love it. I absolutely, positively love it: People who are dedicated to collecting glassware of the Depression Era area also crazy about other collectibles, too. Just like I am.

They’re my kind of people through and through, and I appreciate the time and effort, knowledge and talent they all put in to building their intriguing, impressive collections.

Why not check out the Depression Glass Club’s Facebook page and then join us for a meeting in 2019? You’ll probably like the group as much as I do.

The Committed Collector

How about you? Do you have multiple collections, too? If so, please leave a comment and tell us about the things that attract your fancy.

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