Well, barely one week into 2019 and my New Year’s resolution was put to the test. Although I didn’t ace it, I didn’t completely fail it, either.

You see, we traveled halfway across the country to visit family, which meant I encountered one opportunity after another to shop and add to my collections—and if you’re a committed collector like I am, you know that traveling is both an opportunity and an excuse to shop.

Venturing beyond our usual stomping grounds gives us access to retailers, antiques stores, and even online listings that are usually outside our buying range, and that means we have access to collectibles new and old that are usually outside our collecting range.

In other words, one of the first truths of shopping is that different things are available in different parts of the country. For example, things like Hollywood movie memorabilia and Blue Ridge pottery are more plentiful in the regions where they were produced, while farm implements are more plentiful in rural areas, but imported antiques are more readily found in cities with major ports.

This means that another truth of shopping is that you’d better buy the treasure you found while you’re in the neighborhood, especially when you’re traveling.

Knowing that I really don’t need any more of anything, and keeping in mind my intention to curate my current collections, I began our trip with great conviction.

I stayed out of convenience stores along the route because I risked spotting local postcards, which I collected, and even things I never expected. I learned that from a friend’s experience: She once found darling teapot stickers at a rest area along the NYS Thruway, and I spent the next two years making unneeded pit stops during our intrastate trips hoping to find a set for myself.

This time, when I finally entered a gas station during our trip, I did glimpse a line of red ceramic roses decorated with crystals, and I immediately thought, “They should make them in different colors, so collectors will be encouraged to go in and see what’s available at different stops.” Thank goodness they made them only in red because I would have been tempted if there were any pink ones.

During our stay, I went grocery shopping a couple of times and managed to withstand all the possibilities that regional chains offer. Their better store isn’t quite as well stocked as our hometown favorites are with gourmet foods, specialty products, and seasonal giftware, but they do carry brands we don’t have as well as many other interesting things, including a line of adorable mini-purses—all of which I successfully resisted.

Not only are there different retailers in different parts of the country, but national chains often stock different things in different regions. I learned this years ago when I found a series of pitchers shaped like fruit at a discount department store elsewhere in the country. I really wanted to add the apple, pear, and orange pitchers to my collection of cabbageware, but they were big and bulky, so I left them behind because I assumed I could get them at home. Alas, none of our stores carried the line, and my collection still lacks those pieces.

As I ran errands during this visit, I ventured cautiously into DIY and department stores alike. On the one hand, I wanted to see if they might have something we don’t have here. On the other hand, I already have enough in my collections. I remained resistant at the national hardware store and avoided the Christmas decorations (even though they were 50 percent off). I withstood the Valentine’s decorations at the dollar store (even though some would be perfect for a sweetheart’s dessert party).

Knowing both would likely have irresistible merchandise, I completely avoided the craft store in the burgeoning suburbs and all the antiques shops in the old downtown. I even turned a blind eye to all the cute, clever, and charming merchandise at a local gift shop—which is another kind of treasure trove when traveling. All the mom-and-pop shops, one-of-kind antiques malls, and charity thrift stores are great sources for interesting collectibles that you might not find in your own neck of the woods.

Which is what I confirmed when I finally gave in and went to the local thrift store—just to see if there was anything I’d never seen before. Of course, there was, so I bought another fragile teapot as well as two more heavy restaurantware custard cups. In two decades of shopping, I’d never seen these pieces before, so I gave in and lugged them home—after resisting a return trip to the store.

(I also found several pieces of milk glass that reminded me of my mother’s collection. None were exactly what she had, so I left them behind for someone else who will appreciate them.)

I’m a bit sorry that I faltered with my New Year’s resolution within the first two weeks of the year, but I’m glad that I remained mindful. I’m delighted with the pieces I found and will enjoy incorporating them into my collections.

I’m also glad that I knew better than to step into any of the antique shops. Maybe if we go back next year—and if I’ve got my current collections fully curated—I’ll check out what the vintage resale market has to offer.

Past experience tells me that antiques stores, especially those we encounter in our travels, have plenty to add to a growing collection and perhaps even that stellar piece to finish an established one. Experience also tells me that building collections is just fine—as long as we’re able to enjoy them, too.

The Committed Collector

How do you “enjoy” your collections? Do you display them? Do you actually use them? Please leave a comment and let us know how you make good use of your treasures.

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