Why I’m a Collector

Several years ago when I would go antiquing, I occasionally picked up bits of china or glassware because they were the kinds of things my mother would have liked. I bought small decorative plates with romantic scenes painted on them, and I added to the 1950s’ etched glassware that I remembered in my mom’s kitchen.

I didn’t particularly like those things myself, but during the year or two after my mother’s death, collecting them was a way to keep Mom close to me. Whenever I spotted certain things in thrift stores or at flea markets, I’d say, “Oh, Mom would have liked that,” and if the price was right, I’d buy them.

Then, I’d pack them away to be used some day—some day when I had a house—when I’d find some use for them.

For only a short while, I collected certain things because they reminded me of my mother and I felt they kept her in my life; however, I held onto those things and kept them boxed up for much longer.

Finally in 2004, as I settled into my first real home here in the Rochester area and unpacked one box after another, I eventually came across those things that Mom would have liked. I realized why I had bought them and admitted that I really didn’t like them, so I reluctantly gave them up.

Deciding to give up those items was easy; letting go of them as tokens of my connection to my mother was more difficult.

I sold a few at a garage sale or two, and I donated even more to charity. Each time, it was another good bye, but it was a farewell only to the things, and only with a twinge of sadness, but it wasn’t a farewell to my mother at all.

Instead, revisiting each of those pieces as I gave them up, and seeing similar ones in the years since, has become a welcome reminder of my mother and her aesthetic sensibilities.

Mom wasn’t an actual collector and didn’t have large collections, but she certainly appreciated pretty things—feminine things—and I love being reminded of that.

Also, knowingly or not, Mom instilled that same love of beauty in me, which is surely one of the factors why I’m a committed collector today.

The primary reason why I’ve been a lifelong collector is because I love things. It’s that simple. I love beauty and I love artistry. I love human ingenuity and talent and craftsmanship and the great variety of things we’re able to create.

Another reason why I not only appreciate things but also feel the need to acquire them is because I catalog things. I collect not only with an appreciative heart but also with a scientific mind (if I may be so bold as to say such a thing about myself, untrained as I am).
Like a scientist, I value examples, samples, and specimens—and how they relate to each other.

I lie awake at night and try to design a schematic that will connect all the various kinds of teapots in my collection—just as all the known species in the plant and animal kingdoms have been classified in their own branching trees of life.

When people ask me what my favorite teapot is, I can’t answer because I can’t choose. How can I say that I value a traditional floral teapot more than a modern clean-lined model? How can I decide between a highly decorated side-handle Asian teapot and a homey English Brown Betty?

Scientists aren’t supposed to favor the things they study; they’re supposed to discover, identify, and document, as well as conserve, all specimens that exist, which is what many collectors try to do.

Some of us collect because we value the wide range within our fields, and we want collections that include—and, therefore, preserve—examples of every kind or type available to us. We are fascinated by the scope of and variety within our fields, and we want to build collections that are complete and comprehensive.

Each collecting excursion for us avid collectors is, generally speaking, an expedition, and our collections then reflect the discoveries we’ve made during our careers as collectors.

Of course, some of us collect for other reasons, too; however, we’ll save them for next time.

Until then, I’ll say, “the more, the merrier.”

The Committed Collector

If you take a scientific approach to collecting, please leave a comment and let us know what you’re trying to assemble and how you’re organizing your specimens.  We’re curious about your discoveries.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.
All rights reserved.

Shopping at Home

A few months back, during the socializing part of the local Depression Glass Club meeting, another avid collector and I were talking about the upcoming weekend and where we were thinking of going to look for more treasures for our collections.

We talked about the estate sales listed in the classifieds and whether they would be worthwhile. We wondered about the possible finds at the newer Henrietta Mall Antiques, which we were both interested in visiting again.

I eventually confessed that I still needed to finish my inventory of some recent purchases, and my collecting colleague admitted that she should just stay home and go through some of the boxes of things she’d already purchased. Hmm. I had to agree with that.

What’s more, writing my last post—which itemized where collectors can find more pieces for their collections—reminded me of that conversation and the truth of it.

Committed collectors like I am already have houses and attics and storage units full of wonderful finds. Those of us who have extensive collections have often been forced to pack up and store away some amazing things.

Rather than go out and add more to our existing collections (which would likely be packed up, too)—or, God forbid, risk finding different things to collect—we could just go through the things we already have.

  • We could venture into the basement or attic and go through storage tubs or packing cartons and see what we wrapped up ages ago. Maybe we’ll find a charming old teapot or a rare medicine bottle.
  • We could spend some time at the mini-storage unit, open a few boxes, and find treasures to bring home or mistakes to donate or sell. Perhaps there’ll be an unusual advertising sign or a box of holiday decorations that we’ve forgotten about.
  • We could reach up to the highest shelves in the kitchen or closets, or back down into the recesses of desks and dressers, and wherever else we store the excesses of our collections and discover what we’ve hidden away there. In such places, we might find Mid-Century Modern martini glasses, Aunt Bea hats, commemorative stamps, or Bakelite jewelry.
  • We could even rearrange the pieces we have on display in our curio cases and china cabinets. By taking everything out and seeing each piece anew, we can put our treasures back on display in fresh ways that showcase different aspects of our collections.

Although there are many, many fruitful places to go antiquing in Rochester, “shopping” at home is a gratifying option, too.

Since we longtime collectors probably already have many, many treasures in our own homes, rediscovering them is a thrill in itself. It’s a trip down memory lane and a chance to make better use of what we already acquired.

In addition, “shopping” our own stockpiles and storehouses not only saves time and money; it also conserves space because we’re not bringing in more things to house and we might even end up relinquishing a few items we no longer desire to keep.

Over time, our talents improve and our tastes change, so we might find we own things that make us ask, “What was I thinking?” so we can let go of them now as we review our collections.

If we’re serious about collecting, spending time on our current possessions helps us keep our collections organized. It allows us to appreciate what we’ve already collected, and it asks us to consider whether we still value pieces as much as we did when we bought them.

What we value—in other words, why we collect—is an essential aspect of collecting, and it’s the topic of my next post. Until then, I think I’ll stay home this weekend and see what I can rediscover in the attic.

Happy Curating!

The Committed Collector

If you’ve rediscovered something wonderful among your own collectibles, please let us know. Leave a comment, so we can share in your joy.

© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.
All rights reserved.

Where Do We Find All These Things?

The reporter’s questions prove their usefulness once again.

When I first sat down to list the kinds of places where we avid collectors find new treasures to add to our collections, I thought that I, the committed collector, would easily come up with a dozen or so places to include.

However, after asking myself two little questions—“Where do I go to shop around Rochester?” and “Where do my collecting friends find new additions for their collections?”—I’ve been able to come up with more than six times the number I expected.

Indeed, the Western New York area offers us serious collectors a plethora of places where we can find things new and old worth collecting. Of course, some places might not have what we specifically collect, yet others might just have more than we would expect to find.

One thing I’ve discovered as a longtime collector is that you always have to be looking for whatever it is you collect. It’s amazing how often the best things turn up in the most unlikely places.

For example, an acquaintance, who is an avid scrapbooker, once found teatime stickers at a convenience store at a Thruway rest stop. Upscale jewelry stores, with mostly new designs, often sell estate jewelry (which is the high-end term for second-hand stuff), and I once saw pieces by Syracuse China in a booth featuring silverware.

Although I personally haven’t shopped in each of the following places—and a few are admittedly outside our area—if you’re looking for new, different, or unusual places where you might be able to pick up an item or two for your collection, here are several dozen options:


  • Auctions
  • Festivals
  • Craft fairs
  • Juried art shows
  • Student art exhibits
  • “Starving Artist” sales
  • Holiday sales
  • Concerts and plays
  • Games and other sporting events
  • Antiques or collectibles shows and sales
  • Collectors’ and hobby-club conventions
  • Association and organization meetings
  • Swap meets

Shopping Districts

  • Small towns, tourist destinations, and vacation spots
  • Souvenir shops and stands
  • Amusement parks and other attractions
  • Hotels, inns, and B&Bs
  • Resorts, spas, and retreats
  • Casinos
  • Campgrounds, cruise ships, and train stations
  • Breweries, wineries, and distilleries
  • Restaurants, diners, and pubs
  • Museum shops
  • Historic sites

Retail Stores with New Merchandise

  • Shopping malls
  • Department stores
  • Kiosks
  • Grocery stores
  • Gourmet and specialty food shops
  • Drug stores
  • Outlet malls
  • Discount department stores
  • Dollar stores
  • Wholesale clubs

Specialty Shops with New Merchandise

  • Art galleries
  • Designer boutiques
  • Jewelry stores
  • Liquor stores
  • Florists
  • Card, stationery, and gift stores
  • Hospital gift shops
  • Nurseries and garden centers
  • Hardware and home improvement stores
  • Automotive stores
  • Athletic and sporting goods stores
  • Pro shops
  • Clock, lamp, vacuum, sewing machine repair and supply shops
  • Book stores
  • College and university book stores
  • Music and record shops
  • Piano, organ, and musical instrument stores
  • Craft stores and hobby and model shops
  • Fabric, quilt, yarn, and bead shops
  • Woodworking shops

Secondhand Venues with Used Items

  • Antiques shops
  • Antiques co-ops or malls
  • Consignment shops
  • Used book stores
  • Vintage record shops
  • Used furniture stores
  • Thrift stores
  • Architectural salvage stores
  • Scrap yards
  • Garage sales, yard sales, moving sales, downsizing sales, divorce sales
  • Estate sales
  • Barn sales
  • Church, school, and library sales
  • Pawn shops

Venues with New and Used Merchandise

  • Year-round indoor flea markets
  • Seasonal outdoor flea markets
  • Holiday markets

In Print, Online, and at Home

  • Catalogs and websites
  • Classified ads and postings
  • Newspaper, magazine, and website display ads
  • Home shopping parties
  • Gift exchanges

That’s some list, even if I do say so myself. Imagine how much trouble we could get into if we worked our way through it. Oh, but what fun that would be!

Indeed, the Western New York area offers more places to shop—as well as more varied ones—than I realized—so I can’t wait for my next antiquing trip.

Happy Shopping!

The Committed Collector

How about you? Do you have a favorite place to shop or a recommendation where we might go to find treasures for our collections? If so, please leave a comment; we’d love to hear from you.

© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.
All rights reserved.

It’s Collecting Time

With the weekend here, committed collectors like I am might be thinking, “Forget Miller time. It’s collecting time.”

We’re likely to be looking forward to spending part of our Saturday or Sunday at garage sales or on antiquing jaunts, and even devoting the entire weekend at conventions where we can find all kinds of treasures.

Summer weekends are obviously times when recreational activities are popular, so they provide an easy answer to the question “When do collectors collect?” which is the next in the set of journalist’s questions I’m considering.

Online hunting and gathering happens before and after work and during breaks and all evening long for some devotees, so those are rather obvious responses, too. However, my musings have conjured up memories of the times in life (rather than the times of day) when I’ve been most likely to work on my collections.

Likewise, I’ve seen friends pursue their own collections when they’ve gone through different phases in life, so here’s a list of times when we avid collectors are most likely hitting the shops and building our treasure troves.

1. When we have more free time.

When we’re off for a holiday or we’ve got some vacation time, we dedicated collectors will probably spend some (or all) of it in search of pieces for our collections.

When graduates are able to work one full-time job instead of three part-time ones, they might spend some of their free time shopping. Maybe they’re now able to stop into the local vintage vinyl shop or home accessories chain more often.

When empty nesters find they have empty hours, too, they might go for Sunday drives and check out the antiques shops in neighboring small towns, and retirees are usually ready to spend their time doing things they enjoy—like traveling and going to collectors’ conventions, which often feature a number of ways to add to a collection.

2. When we have more money.

Those college grads in their first jobs might be able to use some of their newfound “wealth” to buy choice pieces for their Barbie or Star Wars collections. Established adults are also often at the time in their lives when they can pursue the finer things, so they might be able to buy things like fine art, estate jewelry, or classic cars.

That also means when collectors receive a windfall of any amount, they’re likely to pick up better pieces that they weren’t able to before. Receiving a birthday check or a holiday gift card or, when you’re really lucky, an inheritance can all be occasions to add to a collection.

3. When we move into a new place.

Because collecting takes space—and often lots of it—moving into a larger place is frequently the time when collectors can build their collections. Going from an apartment to a starter home and then to a forever home are typical times when collectors can choose space where they’ll display their collections and then add to them.

Ironically, just moving into a different place, even a smaller one, can be a time when collectors plan to acquire or keep just the right pieces for their collections. When we’re faced with a blank canvas and motivation to show off our treasures just right, we often do just that.

4. When we meet other collectors

Sometimes, collectors feel like they’re all alone in their pursuits because their family and friends just don’t understand what the attraction is to fishing lures or Halloween decorations or bone china teacups. When they finally meet another collector who shares their passion and their willingness to hit the road and engage in the chase, they’re excited to continue their pursuits.

Interestingly, your collecting comrades don’t have to collect what you collect to inspire renewed enthusiasm; another like-minded person with an appreciation for material culture is all it takes to make any time collecting time.

5. When we discover new venues.

Just as finding a kindred spirit in another collector, finding a new source for our favorite collectibles means having many opportunities to shop. Whether it’s an online store or an out-of-the way flea market, collectors often take the time to make return trips when they find places with more than they can buy with one week’s spending money. That means next weekend is collecting time, too.

6. When we discover other collectibles.

Probably the most “dangerous” occasion to collect is after we realize there are other things—different things, better things, more things, many more things—we can collect.

Retailers know all about this and tempt us at the turn of every season or whenever there’s a holiday coming up. When the stores start stocking their shelves, it’s time either to avoid the temptations or give in to them wholeheartedly.

This one little discovery—that there’s a lot more that can be added to our collections—can overtake our evenings with shopping online, reduce our Saturdays to going from one garage sale to another, and limit our Sundays to wandering around yet another flea market.

When a baseball card collector comes across vintage team jerseys, for instance—or when a collector of stamps also begins to notice antique postcards—or when a china collector realizes she needs linens to set a proper table—and crystal and silver, too—that’s when collecting can get really exciting!

That’s also why we need The Collectors Museum, where avid collectors (like yours truly) can display their extensive collections. Then we could spend more time admiring the treasures we’ve already amassed.

Until then, enjoy the weekend—and your time collecting.

The Committed Collector

Please leave a comment if you’ve spent way too much time collecting, and let us know what kinds of collectibles you devote your spare time to.

© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.
All rights reserved.

All this talk of glassware reminds me that we’re fortunate to have a glass club of our own right here in the area.

The Depression Glass Club of Greater Rochester meets year-round and welcomes guests at its meetings, which also include educational programs and accompanying displays of glassware.

In addition, the club holds an annual show and sale, which is set for Sept. 15 and 16 at the RMSC Eisenhart Auditorium. The 2018 display will feature depictions of nature in antique American glass, and the sale has been expanded to include china, silver, linens, and other vintage collectibles.

For more information about the club or its show and sale, send an email to dgclub@rochester.rr.com or check out its Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DepressionGlassClubRochester/.

My First Show & Sale

I know I’m supposed to be working my way through the journalist’s questions and discussing the who, what, when, where, why, and how of collecting, but this time I thought I’d take a break and travel down memory lane.

Have you ever noticed how some of the briefest childhood interests or quietest traits end up following us into adulthood? That’s certainly the case with me—as the story of my first Depression Glass show reveals.

Any other teenager would have preferred to stay home on a Sunday afternoon, but I was eager to accompany my mother on her quest. We’d be leaving our suburban neighborhood for Jacksonville Beach and the Depression Glass show and sale that was being held at a hotel there. I wasn’t particularly interested in going to a glass show, but I, usually an introverted homebody, was surprisingly up for the adventure.

Mom had received two incomplete sets of glassware from her own mother and wanted to learn more about them. In the early 1980s, most people had no idea how to discover anything about the antiques they owned, other than through Ralph and Terry Kovel’s newspaper column or an occasional magazine article.

Identification and price guides were being published then, but you had to know they existed in the first place to be able to look for them in libraries or bookstores. We hadn’t discovered them yet, so when Mom read about the upcoming show, she was determined to go.

Mom had been a child in 1929 when the stock market infamously crashed, so she lived through the Depression and knew of the gold-rimmed green glassware and the pink swirl pitcher from her mother’s kitchen.

Later, we learned that both kinds of Grandma’s glass are considered Elegant Glassware (which is better than a lot of the glass of the era), but my grandmother already knew that. Mom grew up with the glassware unused except for special occasions, and by the time I arrived, Grandma was keeping both sets safe in an ornate china cabinet that she had received as a gift from her brother, who had worked in a furniture store.

The grass-green set included six tall, footed sherbets and saucers, all rimmed in gold. I’ve forgotten if any of the dealers were able to identify the pattern, which I’ve since learned is called Circle and was made by the Hocking Glass Company during the 1930s.

Circle itself is an “everyday” Depression Glass pattern of average quality, but the unusual addition of gold banding makes these pieces much nicer than the typical Circle glassware. (I know: I’ve since picked up a dozen more plain green pieces including short sherbets, cups and saucers, and tumblers, and I’ve only once come across any other sherbets with gold detailing.)

Grandma’s other set included a short, stocky pitcher and six lovely tumblers in a translucent salmony shade of pink. Again, I’ve forgotten if Mom learned anything about the set, but since then I’ve been told that it’s one of the popular Swirl patterns. Even so, the only similar piece I’ve noticed is the taller pitcher, which was scarred inside from years of stirring with something metal, so, alas, I left it behind.

From the time I was in seventh grade, and my widowed grandmother moved in with us, I looked upon the same glassware kept safe in our dining room. Every once in a while, to heighten a special occasion as her mother did, my mom used the tall green sherbets to serve fruit salad or ice cream.

Once, in an impromptu party for my friends and me, Mom brought out the gorgeous green glassware with its shining rims and served something like gelatin or pudding in them. I’ve long forgotten exactly what we ate, but I’ve always remembered how the special glassware helped to make an ordinary afternoon extraordinary.

By the time I was college age, Grandma was facing some serious health issues, so perhaps that’s why my mother wanted to learn more about the glassware that had been a part of our family for so long. Perhaps she wanted to complete the sets; I don’t remember anymore.

What I do remember is being stunned by the extent of the glass show. Tables and tables filled the huge ballroom of the beachfront hotel where the show was being held, and through the windows, the Atlantic Ocean looked small compared to the sea of glass before me.

Crystal clear glass gleamed and sparkled under the lights. Glassware in lovely shades of pastel pink, blue, and yellow looked simply ethereal, while the glass in striking hues of cobalt blue, forest green, and ruby red added drama to the setting.

I’ve forgotten whatever individual pieces I noticed that day. What remains clear in my mind is the impression of all that stunning glassware. The view was simply breath-taking.

My mother was a practical woman, so she didn’t buy anything that day. Presumably, she didn’t come across any pieces to add to either set. I, on the other hand, was excitable and delighted easily among all the treasures, so I found one I couldn’t live without.

Among thousands and thousands of pieces of glorious glass, I spotted a demitasse cup, sans saucer—a china demitasse cup, that is, decorated with the logo of a French restaurant. The cup itself was darling. Better yet, both the logo and the backstamp were written en Français, which was the language I had chosen to study in high school and college, so it was meant to be.

How perfect! A darling little cup with a French name on it. Parfait! I just had to have it. I went to a Depression Glass show, yet I bought one of the few non-glass items for sale there that weekend. Go figure.

Although I adored that little cup, I lost track of it for several years after it had been packed away during one move or another. In fact, I had completely forgotten about it. By the time I found it again, I recognized what it was, and I was amazed.

In the years that had passed, I had graduated from college, found a job, and begun collecting seriously. At the time, I was actively pursuing two collections: restaurantware and logo glasses—and a look at the little cup with more experienced eyes revealed a lot: I saw that it was made of the heavy china that hotels and restaurants use.

How fitting. Even before I “discovered” restaurantware (which is a story for another day), I was attracted to it. Even before I started collecting glasses with product logos on them, I bought a piece that advertised where it was used.

I guess the collecting gods smiled knowingly when I eventually started collecting restaurantware and logo glasses. I’ve apparently been attracted to them from the start.

Both Mom and Grandma are gone now. Of course, I still have their green and pink glassware, but I gave up my logo glasses about ten years ago, and I’ve had to store away my beloved restaurantware for lack of display space at home.

Even so, those budding interests and youthful traits remain: I still check out pieces with iconic logos, and I’m always drawn to decorated restaurantware of any kind.

More important, I still feel the same way about collecting: I’m a natural hunter and gatherer. I’m always excited for the thrill of the chase, and I’m even delighted by the smallest of finds, like a demitasse set.

In fact, I have a few dozen adorable little demitasse cups and saucers in my collection now—and I don’t really like coffee.

The Committed Collector

If you’ve ever gone to one kind of show and sale and bought something else entirely, please leave a comment and let us know how that happened.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.
All rights reserved.

What We Collect, part 3 of 3

Since it’s Friday, we avid collectors might have a few questions on our minds: When can I get out to go antiquing this weekend? Where should I stop first, and what might I find there?

I’ve been considering that last one for a few posts now, and I think I can wrap up my answer to the question “What do collectors collect?” with a final list of a dozen things. I’m not trying to itemize actual, tangible things that collectors collect. Instead, I’ve been thinking about the ways any variety of items can be categorized.

Whether you collect action figures, team jerseys, or college pennants or seek out antique dolls, vintage fashions, or grammar school primers, all of your treasures (and mine, too) can be classified as larger, broader kinds of things.

In answer to the query “What gets collected?” here’s the remainder of my list of the kinds of intangible collectibles that we committed collectors pursue.

Avid collectors like I am might also collect…

11. Colors and color combinations – Some collectors, myself included, are particularly visual and are drawn more to the shades of items than the things themselves. The seasons, as well as aging and weathering, naturally give us different colors, and designers and retailers recognize that merchandise (like Barbie’s new wardrobe) is more attractive when it’s in the year’s new color palette. That’s why I have a half dozen sets of vibrant summer plasticware and more than enough vases—because ruby red, forest green, and cobalt blue are equally appealing to me.

12. Textures – Other collectors are more tactile and respond to the feel of things. While some prefer the roughness of primitive pottery, others choose the smoothness of porcelain or the sleek shine of chrome. Some collect textiles like linens or quilts or clothing or handmade crafts, while others favor glass, woodworks, or machinery.

13. Shapes – Some people are drawn to the form of things and, perhaps subconsciously, select things that end up building a collection of recognizable contours like round teapots, circular picture frames, or other orbs, globes, and spheres. Others are attracted to items that have oval, square, or rectangular shapes or diagonal lines.

14. Patterns – Likewise, some collectors have a noticeable fondness for certain designs, such as florals, plaids, or even abstracts. While they might think they’re buying clothes or choosing upholstery, a closer look reveals that they’re actually assembling a collection of classical, geometric, or organic patterns or prints.

15. Variety – Then there are the collectors who simply accumulate variations on a theme. Perhaps we’re really collecting specimens—examples of every variation we come across, every size, shape, color, and form within our field of collecting. That’s easy to do when you’re collecting in the Rochester area, for we have access to multiple retail outlets and secondary markets.

16. Quantity – Similarly, some people simply go after large numbers of items. They’re the ones who have the bumper stickers that read, “The one who dies with the most _____ wins.” There’s something satisfying about being able to say, “I have a hundred of them” or “I have 2,000 of that.” Perhaps we’re also keeping score and merely aspire to amass the most.

17. Quality – However, some collectors, especially connoisseurs, would rather say, “I have the best.” They are attuned to the artistic qualities and expert craftsmanship of the things they compile together in their homes, so they usually acquire only the finest things—the acclaimed, the rare, the revered, and the high-end.

18. Beauty – Likewise, some people naturally appreciate beautiful things, although their definition of beauty may differ. Many postcards and greeting cards depict attractive objects or scenes, while many decorative accessories appeal to traditional (or contemporary) aesthetic conventions. For instance, many vintage figurines are pretty; traditional landscapes often depict lovely settings, and even salvaged architecture can be described as handsome.

19. Imagery – Other collectors react to things that possess certain inherent associations. These items naturally conjure up some kind of image, and holiday collectibles often fall into this category. Bloody Halloween props are meant to evoke disgust or horror, while ghostly ones are intended to suggest something ethereal or eerie.

20. Icons – Others are particularly attracted to items whose reputations have been established over time and have even earned iconic status. Celebrity and sports memorabilia often include icons in their fields, as do other general or fictional figures: Angels in white and gold represent the religious aspect of Christmas, while jolly, generous Santas suggest its childlike joy.

21. Symbols – In a similar way, some people recognize the symbolic nature of things, so they’re drawn to tangible items that represent other, intangible things. For instance, because they are usually very well made and very costly, designer clothes and luxury vehicles represent success, wealth, and status, while estate jewelry and old family photographs suggest long lineages.

22. Trophies – Ultimately, all collectors also collect trophies. Every item in our collection indicates some kind of triumph. We might have found the best piece or a piece at the best price. Each item in our collections shows that we have dedicated time, energy, and money into our passions. Each piece represents our personalities, our interests, and our lifestyles, and each piece shows that we’ve scored another buy and won another round in the game of collecting.

If that’s what you’re doing this weekend—looking to score a few finds and earn a few more points in the collecting arena—beware: If you bring home too many trophies, as I have, you might just need a space the size of a small arena to showcase your treasurers.

Nonetheless, I say, let the collecting games begin!

The Committed Collector

If you’re attracted to collectibles by color or pattern, or if you are on either side of the quantity v. quality debate, please leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery. All rights reserved.

What We Collect, part 2 of 3

If you read last Friday’s post, you see that residents of the Rochester area collect a large number of tangible items made in a variety of materials like ceramics, fabric, glass, metal, paper, and plastic (not to mention the different kinds of plants some of them collect in their gardens).

Consequently, it’s a relief that I’m not trying to compile a comprehensive list of the actual kinds of things that collectors assemble together into their collections. If I were to try to identify each and every type of thing that people collect, I wouldn’t have any time for collecting anymore. I’d be listing and listing, and the list would go on and on and on—which is quite like collecting, when you think about it.

Instead, I’m answering the question “What do collectors collect?” in another way. My mind and my list have taken an abstract turn and include intangibles, generalizations, concepts, and even emotions. Even without itemizing actual items, I’ve been able to come up with nearly two dozen other “things” that we collectors can collect.

The next time I go antiquing with friends, and someone asks, “What did you find?” I won’t have to say “another teapot, of course.” As the committed collector, I’ll be able to rename my treasures as items from the following list. My teapots are actually souvenirs or associations or sentiments.

Thus committed collectors like me collect…

1. Memories – Some collectors buy things that remind them of their personal pasts. Shortly after my father passed away, I picked up a Magic 8 Ball and later a plastic photo cube to remind me of him because we kids had given them to Dad as gifts years earlier.

2. History – Other collectors buy things that come from or represent previous times in life, which may or may not have been their own. Military buffs, for example, might collect Civil War, WWII, or Desert Storm weaponry or materiel.

3. Souvenirs – Many casual collectors buy mementoes that represent the good times they’re having on trips or at special events. Magnets and postcards are popular vacation collectibles, while concert T-shirts and play programs are often found closer to home.

4. Experiences – Some people literally collect intangible things—actions and activities—and document them with photos, ticket stubs, or luggage tags that record the things they’ve done in their lives. For them, the doing is more important than the record keeping.

5. Dreams – Some people buy things that reveal their hopes for their futures, like the contents of an old-fashioned hope chest. When I lived in one apartment after another, I got in the habit of buying half-price summer plasticware at the end of the season. I always imagined owning a home with a pool and the need for lots of colorful and unbreakable dishes and glasses.

6. Aspirations – Similarly, others collect things that reveal their goals and fit the lives they intend to have. For example, ambitious business executives might collect haute couture accessories to look the part they’re actively working to become.

7. Status – Some who have achieved the positions and wealth they desire in life collect the kinds of things that not only demonstrate their standing but also perpetuate it. A fortunate few are able to collect actual masterpieces or antique cars.

8. Associations – Many people collect things because they are related to other things, either because of a direct connection or an implication. For example, many people in Rochester collect Kodak cameras because of the company’s origins here, rather than because they specifically collect cameras. Others might collect wooden farm implements because they suggest a simpler time.

9. Sentiments – Quite a few people, myself included, collect emotions. We are drawn to things because of the feelings they evoke. Dolls and Teddy bears are the quintessential collectibles that instill affection, happiness, or even joy in their owners.

10. Innovation – Others seek out things that are remarkable because of their design, function, or gadgetry and consequently appeal to their intellect. These collectors are often fascinated by machinery, such as calculators and typewriters, or technology, like computers or video games.

Now that I think about it, I probably have at least a small collection of every kind of collectible I just listed, which is one reason why I want to open The Collectors of Western New York where we avid accumulators can display our various collections.

Don’t tell my husband in case he hasn’t noticed, but I also collect several intangibles:

  • The jars of seashells I have remind me of my happy childhood in sunny Florida, while the Buffalo and Syracuse restaurantware I admire so much represents a time when dining out was an occasion.
  • Some of the other vintage dishes I have are mementos of the small towns and antique stores I’ve visited in my travels, and my CD collection represents a lifetime of loving to dance.
  • The bolts of fabric I have stockpiled reflect the visions I have of learning how to sew and redecorating my house for every season. Likewise, the shelves I have filled with books on garden design suggest that I intend to get serious about hiring a landscaper one of these days.
  • The bits of shiny silverplate I have stored away reveal that I would love to be able to host elegant dinner parties, and my collection of teacups show that I’m truly a romantic at heart.
  • The Cherished Teddies figurines and Boyds Bears pins I’ve begun to pick up are simply so sweet, while the assortment of baking and gelatin molds I have in aluminum, copper, plastic, and silicone are improvements in culinary design—if not in my own efforts in the kitchen.

Regardless of where you use, display, or store your collection, it may be more than the actual things it’s made of. Your collection may be a record of your past or a sign of your personality or an indication of your future. It might also be some other intangible things.

Check back Friday for more kinds of things that collectors—perhaps people just like you or me—have in their homes and attics and storage units.

Until then, happy collecting!

The Committed Collector

If you, too, collect an intangible, please leave a comment and tell us what it is. We’d love to hear from you.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.  All rights reserved.

What We Collect, part 1 of 3

Continuing to use the journalist’s questions to flesh out ideas for posts is both a blessing and a curse, which makes the process a lot like collecting. Considering the question “What do people collect?” makes coming up with ideas very easy. Consequentially, I’ve ended up with more material than I really need for a single post—just as I have more teapots and cups and saucers and other collectibles than just about anyone will ever use or be able to display properly.

With so many ideas at the ready—as well as so many collections of my own—it should be easy to discuss the things that people collect. Of course, I’ve discovered easy answers as well as more complex ones, too. Today, I’ll share some obvious things collected by avid collectors, especially local ones.

Because I find collecting so easy (and the resulting collections so problematic), my husband jokes that I collect only one thing—everything. Hah, hah. Very funny. In my defense, I say I collect only two things—old things and new things. So there.

On reflection, however, I realize that, at different times and for different reasons, I’ve collected three things:  I’ve gathered together the past, the present, and the future, which is likely the case for many other devoted collectors.

If you’re a committed collector like I am, you also probably recognize history in some items, usefulness in others, and hope in others still and find many kinds of things worth collecting. (That’s why I’m working to open a new kind of museum—The Collectors of Western New York—dedicated to featuring the extensive collections of the various things we serious collectors collect.)

In the meantime, my discussion of what people collect is becoming rather abstract. I’m thinking in categories and generalizations rather than in specifics (so I’ll save the discussions of those more tangible objects for future posts).

If I were simply to itemize actual, specific items that people collect, I could compile quite a list based solely on the prized possession of the members of the collectors’ clubs and special interest groups I know of in the Rochester area, which is home to a dozen or more associations dedicated to fostering an appreciation for specific collectibles.

Based on my knowledge of the things that area residents seek out and assemble into their own private collections, I can easily answer the question, “What do collectors collect?”

Among other things, we local collectors collect …

  • Bottles and glass insulators
  • Depression Glass and Early American Pattern Glass
  • Buttons, clothing, and costumes
  • Cameras
  • Coins and paper money
  • Dahlias, irises, orchids, perennials, and roses
  • Games and toys
  • Jane Austen’s and William Shakespeare’s works and related items
  • Model trains
  • Postcards and stamps
  • Pottery and teapots
  • Scouting items
  • Sherlock Holmes’ stories, books, and related items

Clearly, the residents of Greater Rochester have a wide range of interests and pursue a great variety of collectibles, which are readily available in an area known for its retail shopping, antique shows, and seasonal flea markets.

Some longtime collectors in the region have amassed large collections of small items (like thimbles and Matchbox cars), while others are forced to keep their collections of large items (like real cars and horse-drawn buggies) small in number.

The actual list of what people collect is probably limitless. Since old things are rediscovered and new technology is invented, committed collectors like me are drawn to both old-fashioned things and new-fangled gadgets.

It’s traits like age, utility, and innovation that also suggest a long list of conceptual, emotional, and generalized things that collectors collect, and some of them will be discussed in next week’s posts.

Until then, enjoy the weekend and the hunt for whatever it is you collect.

The Committed Collector

If you’re a dedicated collector, too, please leave a comment and tell us about the things you collect. We’d love to hear about what catches your eye and makes its way into your life.


© 2018  The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery.  All rights reserved.

Who We Collectors Are, part 3 of 3

I suppose with my backgrounds in journalism and in education, as well as with collecting, I should have expected, sooner rather than later, I’d write blog posts that form a series.

As a journalist, I always enjoyed working through the set of prompts known as the reporter’s questions, and as an English instructor, I’m drawn to series of books, such as Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander tales.

What’s more, as a collector, I’m always attracted to pairs, trios, sets, series, and, well, collections of things. I first realized this 16 or so years ago when pouring over a discount department store’s display of Christmas ornaments. I came across one (of a little girl, I think) that I didn’t particularly like because its craftsmanship fell short of its design. However, I soon noticed a companion piece (the little boy if I recall correctly) and immediately thought, “If there’s a third, I’ll get them.”

How crazy is that? I had enough sense not to buy one item I found lacking, but I would have bought three of them has they been there. Pretty crazy, huh? Not at all if you’re a committed collector like I am. Collectors are, by nature, attracted to things that go together. Many avid collectors like myself appreciate completeness, wholeness, entireties, and totalities and consider finishing a collection as important as the items in the collection.

After that inclination, however, the collectors I know and love have a variety of different traits and outlooks when it comes to our shared pastime. Using the journalist’s question “Who?—Who are collectors?” has lead me to compile my own list of the kinds of collectors you might meet—or might be.

My last two posts listed the first 12 types of people who have been bitten by the collecting bug, and today’s entry concludes my list, which is based on my observations and own preferences

Collectors also include…

13. Trendsetters: Like some sentimentalists, this group of collectors is attuned to the present and what’s going on now yet is primarily attracted to contemporary things, like this season’s hot colors or newest styles. These collectors might be the ones to put up theme trees every December with a new collection of ornaments and decorations. If they keep their purchases, they might have collections of ties or scarves that span several decades and reveal a range of once-trendy colors or aesthetic styles.

14. Futurists: Some people look to the future and wonder what life will be like. They often enjoy reading science fiction or watching movies and TV shows in that genre. Among their favorite collectibles are robots and action figures and books, comics, or graphic novels with technological or post-apocalyptic imagery or themes. Likewise, some collectors (like I used to be) amass things, like advertising signs, holiday decorations, or summer plasticware, that they intend to use in the future, like when they settle down and buy a house.

15. Decorators and Designers: Some collectors have sensory reactions to things and often artistic or visual reasons for building their collections. Although they are not necessarily professionals, they fully appreciate the look of things individually as well as together and often make their choices based on theme, color, or scheme. For example, designer-collectors might be drawn to a variety of items that reflect beach or cabin or industrial motifs and materials.

16. Competitors: A percentage of collectors are in competition with others in their field, yet this driving force may be conscious or unconscious on their part. Sometimes, these collectors pursue items that are older, newer, bigger, finer, rarer, or in some other way better than what their peers have. Sometimes, they simply want more than anyone else in their field, so they aim for dozens, hundreds, and thousands of pieces in their collections. Such friendly competition can often result in quite impressive collections.

17. Gamblers: A good percent of collectors are willing to take a chance on the additions to their collections. They trust that the items sold online are as advertised. They assume the dirty, dusty pieces they pick up at flea markets will clean up nicely, and they hope the items they get for a song will be worth considerably more. Like, futurists, gamblers are optimists at heart and are often the ones to find the proverbial diamonds in the rough.

18. Connoisseurs: The final group of collectors I’ve identified includes aficionados of very particular things. They are not only enamored of certain objects, but they also do their research and become experts in their own right on their fields. Because the objects of their desire are often expensive and rare, and because these collectors recognize the best and hold out for the best, these collectors usually have smaller collections, yet they often contain exquisite pieces, such as art, wine, and jewelry.

Considering that I once intended to buy a set of three poorly crafted holiday ornaments, I guess I’m not a connoisseur. However, like most avid collectors I know, I can be called some kind of hyphenated collector:

I’m a hobbyist-generalist as well as an opportunistic, bargain-hunting, sentimental, decorator-gambler kind of collector. In other words, I collect a variety of items for fun. I’m a romantic at heart as well as a homebody, and if I hit the shops and if I happen to see interesting things at the right price, I’m willing to take a chance on finding a treasure.

That seems to make me a maximalist, too. I guess my husband’s right again.

Oh well, as I say, “the more, the merrier!”

The Committed Collector

Check back on Friday when I answer the next question about collecting—“What?—What do collectors collect?”—and offer my discussion of the kinds of things that come to be collected.  In the meantime, please leave a comment and let us know what kind of collector you are or if you’ve come across other kinds of collectors.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum & Gallery. All rights reserved.