The Committed Collector: A Double Meaning

Who would have thought the first step in creating a blog would be so difficult?

Deciding on a name for a new blog should be intuitive, right? It should be related to the subject, and ideally it should be catchy. I know what my topic is: I’m a serious collector who not only wants to write about collecting, but who also wants to open a museum for collectors like me to display their collections. I’m a writer, too, so I should be able to come up with a clever, creative name in no time…or so I thought.

As I sat down recently, with a cup of tea in one of my many mugs and my favorite pen and a nice, new legal pad to start a serious brainstorming session, I soon learned that coming up with – as well as registering – the most appropriate domain name for my new blog was going to be a challenge.

I first wanted The Avid Collector, which is appropriately descriptive, but that is already taken. Then I thought of The Constant Collector, which precisely describes me and many people I know, but that’s already taken, too, which is a real shame. The Constant Collector sounds good, and the word “constant” illustrates both the devotion or constancy of collectors to their avocation as well as their ongoing pursuit of the objects of their affection.

That thought inspired the name Passionate Pursuits, which refers to the enthusiasm and excitement serious collectors feel about collecting and about their collections. A search showed that name is available – hurrah! – for $10,000, which would significantly cut into my collecting budget for the next decade or two.

I then thought of The Collector’s Klatch, as in coffee klatch, because that sounds good, too, but “klatch” is an old-fashioned word, or even an archaic one today, so I thought many readers might not get its meaning. (Microsoft Word offers no synonyms for “klatch,” which suggests how uncommon the term is these days. According to, “klatch” means “a casual gathering of people, especially for refreshments and informal conversation.” I still like that image quite a bit – sitting down with a cup of coffee or tea and talking about the things we love – but I’m still not sure everyone would get it.

I personally wouldn’t mind be known as The Incorrigible Collector because “incorrigible” is what my poor husband has tolerantly called me and my penchant for collecting for more than 25 years. That term, however, also means “irredeemable,” which seems both negative and unnecessary. I’m a materialist and proud of it.

More important, I’m doing things to avoid needing redemption. I’m making a real effort to donate the things that don’t fit my collections anymore, and I’m working on my plan for a museum, so my collections (and possibly yours, too) can be better displayed and seen.

For now though, my challenge has been finding a name for this new blog of mine.

Like The Incorrigible Collector, the name The Incurable Collector has the alliteration I’m looking for (or is it consonance?), but “incurable” implies there’s something wrong with collecting, and I reject that notion outright. Whether made by divine, natural, or human means, almost everything has some kind of intrinsic value and is worthy of being appreciated.

I also like the image of The Omnivorous Collector, but that’s not quite precise – is it? – and consuming everything could surely be considered negative, even though the word also suggests open-minded or curious. The Avaricious Collector is spot on since it means avid, but, here again, the term has mostly negative connotations – as would The Rapacious Collector, even though I must admit that I am insatiable when it comes to adding to some of my collections.

After an hour of brainstorming and searching the Internet, I thought I still didn’t have a satisfactory name for my new blog about collecting.

However, I realized that I did have something: I have another collection – a collection of words – beautiful, musical words that describe the way so many people feel about their favorite pastime and their favorite possessions.

Avid, constant, passionate, incorrigible, and incurable: I am all that when it comes to collecting, which makes me The Committed Collector – dedicated to collecting and committed to my collections.

Likewise, I’m destined to be a collector committed to the asylum if I don’t hurry up and find a find a better way to maintain my collections because keeping the things I treasure boxed up, stored away, and inaccessible is pure insanity.

How about you? Are you a committed collector dedicated to your collections but crazy for having more than you can manage? Leave a comment and let us know what you collect and how large your collections are.