The Best Reasons to Collect

A collecting friend and I were talking the other evening about ways to explain our interests to others, who have yet to be bitten by our particular collecting bugs.

She mentioned that people often become interested in collecting antique postcards (which is one of her areas of specialty) when they come across ones from their hometowns.  Maybe they were just wandering through an antiques store or show and noticed boxes of postcards, all nicely categorized.

From there, they probably noticed the boxes labeled by state and then the cards groups by cities, towns, and major attractions.  Once they realized they could recapture images from their childhood, they’re on the way to being hooked by the various charms of postcards.

However, reawakening childhood memories isn’t the only reason to collect.  In fact, I can think of several other excellent reasons to shop, buy, display, and store far more than anyone really needs.

The Best Reasons to Collect

1. Memories—As just mentioned, collecting items that bring back memories and feelings of nostalgia are popular reasons to buy vintage and antique items, especially toys.

2. Souvenirs—Likewise, picking up mementoes and other trinkets that will remind us of our current travels and experiences are reasons to shop—or to hang on to things like maps, tickets, and show programs.

3. Adventures—Collecting, often called antiquing, can be an adventure in itself and can get us out of the house and encourage outings to shops and markets near and far.

4. Usefulness—Collecting things we can actually use around the house means our money goes twice as far, so feel free to amass kitchen gear, wicker baskets, and antique furniture.

5. Holidays and Seasons—Linking our collecting with our family celebrations and traditions is another way to make our spending do double duty: We get the thrill of hunting and gathering as well as the feelings evoked by seasonal collectibles.

6. Attractiveness—Investing our time and money in beautiful items that can be considered decorative accessories and even works of art means we can surround ourselves with things we enjoy seeing.

7. Other Sensual Appeals—Likewise, collecting music or wind chimes is something auditory people will do, while buying games or puzzles that can be played is something experiential types will enjoy, and collecting textiles and stuffed animals is for tactile types.

8. Shared Interests—Another way collecting can help us feel things is by sharing our interests and adventures will like-minded people. The only thing better than an afternoon antiquing is an afternoon antiquing with a shopping friend.

9. Personal Emotions—Of course, the best reason to collect any genre is because of the way the things make you feel. Maybe colorful teapots make getting out of bed worthwhile.  Perhaps humorous ties make getting dressed up for the office bearable.  Perhaps landscape drawings make coming home even better for you.

No matter what you collect, or whatever reasons you have for owning things, ultimately it’s the positive ways they make you feel that are truly important, so make sure to take time to enjoy your collections.  You built them for a reason—or two.

The Committed Collector

How about you?  What are your reasons for collecting?  Please leave a comment and let us know.  We’d love to hear about your interests.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum.
All rights reserved.

Collecting Quotes about Collecting

Happy Friday, Collectors!

I’ve been writing about collecting since mid-June, and writing about collecting keeps me thinking about collecting more than ever—which means I’ve been thinking about garage sales, flea markets, thrift stores, and antiques malls more often than before—especially as the weekend rolls around.

However, without the time to actually go out antiquing or junking—or the space for any more treasures—I’ve had to content myself with other ways of experiencing the fun and adventure of collecting.

One way is by sharing what I’ve learned with you. Another is asking for guest posts, so we all can learn from the experts in the Rochester area. Yet another is by finding out what people elsewhere say about our favorite pastime.

Now that I have three ways of vicarious collecting—and we all know once you have three of something, you’re on your way to a collection—I thought I’d share my first set of quotes about collecting with you.

Whether the collectibles are old or new, handmade or mass-produced, practical or decorative, whatever people collect is always fascinating to me, and to hear or read why they collect is always intriguing, too.

Thanks to the website BrainyQuote, here are some comments about the various things celebrities collect, in their own words:

  • “Collecting records is, for many, beyond a hobby.”
    —Henry Rollins, musician, actor, and radio host
  • “I have a lot of mermaid stuff. I did start collecting a lot before I had children because I didn’t know if I would have a boy or a girl. So I saved everything.”
    —Jodi Benson, actress and singer
  • “I collect crystals and gemstones, and I’ve been collecting them since I was a little girl. They give me positive energy and strength. They make me feel connected to the earth. I cherish them.”
    —Isabel Lucas, actress and model
  • “I’ve been collecting art for much of my adult life. I started around 1960. And my wife and I really enjoy art a great deal. We don’t have a lot of money, so we have works on paper, but we enjoy them a great deal.”
    —Eric Kandel, neuroscientist and Nobel Prize winner
  • “The man that got me into collecting sneakers in the first place was the man they call Michael Jordan. He was the one who kind of exposed me to the sneaker world – he was my favorite basketball player, and he had the best shoes.”
    —Macklemore, singer and songwriter
  • “I became fascinated with the concept of speak no, see no, hear no evil…and the actual depiction of three wise monkeys. And I began collecting it over the years. And I kind of figured that I might be…the fourth monkey, the feel no evil monkey.”
    —Mackenzie Phillips, actress and singer
  • “I think the best thing that I collect is memories. I love traveling; I love remembering stuff, my family, my daughter, my wife. I just love collecting memories of my trips, my experiences. And I think that’s it. I’m not very glued to material stuff.”
    —Jaime Camil, actor, singer and TV personality

As the committed collector, I can’t possibly fathom the concept of not being attached to material things; however, I have to agree with Camil’s comment that collecting memories of our life experiences is the absolute best. It’s the people, occasions, and accomplishments in our lives that should truly mean the most to us.

If we collectors happen to pick up a memento or a souvenir while we’re spending time with our loved ones and enjoying special moments, well, so much the better.

The Committed Collector

As always, we’re interested in what you collect and how you feel about your collections. Please leave a comment and tell us about your favorite collections and why they interest you.


© 2018 The Collectors of Western New York Museum.
All rights reserved.