Happy Sunday, Collectors!

I hope your weekend is going well. Maybe you’ve done a little shopping, or, better yet, maybe you’ve been curating your treasures.

Without doubt, the fun part of collecting is acquiring. The chase, the thrill of the hunt, and the score all get us committed collectors going.

We love finding that last piece for our collections or one we didn’t even know existed. Discovering, considering, and acquiring are all part and parcel of this hobby of ours.

Doing our homework, researching new purchases, and adding them into the inventory, however, can be the dull parts, even though we know they’re necessary, useful, and often interesting—especially the research.

Fortunately, organizing, arranging, and displaying our collections are just as enjoyable as acquiring them. We love to fill albums, binders, and boxes. We love to hang pictures, plates, and signs. We enjoy setting things out and placing them just right on shelves and in curio cabinets.

We love seeing our things, and, most of all, we love living with them. They go beyond furniture and fixtures. They are so much more than knick-knacks and decorative accessories. They are almost as dear as family, and they are certainly reflections of ourselves.

And we’re in good company. Once again, committed collectors and their impressive collections are being featured in a television series. Debuting this evening is Collector’s Call on MeTV, which fills a gap left by the disappearance of Collectible Treasures and The Incurable Collector.

Being promoted on MeTV’s website, Collector’s Call is set to show two episodes at 10:00 and 10:30 p.m. Sundays in the Rochester area, and it looks like a lot of fun.

According to the clip on the website, the show, hosted by Lisa Whelchel from The Facts of Life, will feature collectors and their collections, appraisals, and offers to trade one cherished piece for another coveted one—which is always the dilemma for collectors since we want to eat our cake and have it, too.

It will be fun to see these collections, learn about some unusual things, and meet more people like us who are passionate about collecting. It looks like their collections have taken over large portions of their homes, as many of our treasures have, so maybe they need a local museum for extensive collections as much as we do.

I hope you’ve saved some time for TV as the weekend comes to a close.

The Committed Collector

So how’s your display area at home? Have your collections taken over, or are you forced to pack them away? Please leave us a comment and let us know how you display your beloved collections. We’re always interested in hearing from other committed collectors.